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Outdoor shower faucets represent a key part in building the new exterior shower. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives that target any kind of budgets or preferences. Browse through the diversity and see which of them would fit your requirements better. Don’t forget to take into consideration the other parts of the shower as well.

Why You Should Have An Outdoor Shower At The Cottage

Cottages are perfect places to relax away from the noisy city that gives you headaches. No matter how much you might love your vibrant and busy city, there are times when one just had enough and needs to replenish the energy levels.


If you own a cottage but don’t have an outdoor shower yet, it’s high time to seriously start thinking about it, especially if the cottage is placed in a warm place with lots of sunshine. It has so many purposes that you shouldn’t waste any minute there without it.


First of all, it helps you keep the indoor place nice and clean. How many times haven’t you had to clean a room or more because you didn't have water outside? Probably quite many times. When you have to wash the dog for example, things can always go wrong.


Also, if you have the chance to swim or get tan, it’s always better to wash properly before dressing or going back in the cottage in order to get rid of the sunscreen or any oils you might have applied. Though you might have a secluded place that seems to be perfect for the shower, don’t forget about an outdoor shower enclosure as it is always mandatory and useful. You never know when you get visitors and it is a bit uncomfortable not to have any.


You can customize the enclosure and the whole shower itself according to your requirements. There are lots of structures that you can use. It is nice to include a bench to make dressing easier and to add a bit of storage space for clothes or towels. A shelf with toiletries should be within reach as well.


You don’t have to worry much about the water source. It is not that tough as other tasks related to cottage plumbing. You will probably handle this just fine. But watch out when it comes to the grey water as it needs to be drained and disposed of properly. If the cottage is located in an area with cold winters, it’s crucial to prepare the drain and pipes accordingly.


Outdoor shower enclosure finishes are hard to maintain, so it is better to avoid painting yours if it’s made of wood. Everything must be resistant to corrosion so only buy high quality materials that will withstand the test of time and humidity.


An outdoor shower is great for any cottage whether you spend lots of time outdoors or not. Write it down in your ‘To Do’ list. The time and money invested will be well worth it.

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